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LEGO Star Wars 75364 E-Wing della Nuova Repubblica vs. Starfighter di Shin Hati

LEGO Star Wars 75364 E-Wing della Nuova Repubblica vs. Starfighter di Shin Hati
LEGO tdb-LSW-2023-21, Set da costruzione, 9 anno/i, Plastica, 1056 pz, 1,4 kg
  • Con questo set LEGO Star Wars, i fan di Star Wars: Ahsoka possono inscenare la resa dei conti tra lo Starfighter di Shin Hati e l'E-Wing della Nuova Repubblica del Capitano Porter
  • L'astronave giocattolo E-Wing della Nuova Repubblica è dotata di 2 shooter, cabina di pilotaggio per minifigure, spazio per le armi, spazio per una figura di droide e carrello di atterraggio retrattile
  • Lo Starfighter di Shin Hati dispone di una cabina di pilotaggio apribile per le minifigure, 2 shooter, spazio per le spade laser di Shin Hati e Baylan Skoll, e per una pistola blaster
  • Marca: Lego
  • Categoria:LEGO Star Wars

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Descrizione completa

Con il set di giochi LEGO Star Wars da costruire E-Wing della Nuova Repubblica vs. Starfighter di Shin Hati (75364), i bambini e le bambine da 9 anni in su possono dar vita agli emozionanti inseguimenti galattici tratti dalla serie Star Wars: Ahsoka.

Questo set di costruzioni in mattoncini LEGO, ricco di dettagli, contiene 2 modellini di astronavi giocattolo da costruire; ognuna è dotata di cabina di pilotaggio apribile per le minifigure LEGO Star Wars, di 2 shooter e di spazio per riporre le armi. Il caccia stellare E-wing della Nuova Repubblica dispone inoltre di uno spazio dietro la cabina di pilotaggio per il droide LEGO Star Wars del Capitano Porter, e di un carrello di atterraggio retrattile. Questo set di giocattoli LEGO comprende le 4 minifigure dei famosi personaggi Star Wars di Baylan Skoll e Shin Hati, ciascuno con spade laser, di Morgan Elsbeth e del Capitano Porter, con una pistola blaster, oltre a un droide astromeccanico della Nuova Repubblica, con cui mettere in scena tanti giochi creativi e rivivere le scene della nota serie.

L’app LEGO Builder mette a disposizione dei costruttori gli strumenti digitali, come la rotazione dei modelli 3D e lo zoom, che consentono di portare a termine la costruzione in modo semplice e pratico. Un set di giochi LEGO Star Wars adatto ai fan di tutte le età che vogliono ampliare la propria collezione, pensato per i giovani Jedi che amano le astronavi giocattolo e le storie spaziali.

Misura 10 cm di altezza, 27 cm di lunghezza e 24 cm di larghezza.

Contiene 1.056 pezzi.

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Specifiche tecniche


  • Tipo di prodotto: Set da costruzione
  • Genere consigliato: Bambino/Bambina
  • Età consigliata (min): 9 anno/i
  • Età consigliata (max): 99 anno/i
  • Numero di pezzi: 1056 pz
  • Effetti audio supportati: No
  • Colore del prodotto: Multicolore
  • Materiali: Plastica
  • Paese di origine: Ungheria

Avviso di sicurezza

  • Avviso CSS UE: Nessun avviso applicabile, Non adatto per bambini con età inferiore ai 36 mesi
  • Lingua CSS UE: Inglese, Tedesco, Francese, Italiano, Spagnolo, Svedese, Olandese
  • Avvertenza di sicurezza: Avvertenza! Pericolo di soffocamento. Parti piccole. Non adatto a bambini di eta inferiore a 3 anni.

Gestione energetica

  • Batterie richieste: No

Contenuto dell'imballo

  • Quantità per pacco: 1 pz

Composizione del prodotto

  • Assemblaggio necessario:
  • Numero di pacchi: 1
  • Tempo di montaggio: 60 min


Riepilogo valutazioni

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1 to 8 di 90 recensioni
1 – 8 di 90 recensioni
4 su 5 stelle.

Nice Build But Quality Control Issues

2 mesi fa
This is a visually excellent set, with nice colors and solid builds. Unfortunately, the set I got had quality issues. First, among the 1x3 dark grey tiles on the engines of the E-Wing, one of them came in light tan, which isn't even a piece that's in the part list and makes the bottom look strange. Second, several of the pieces showed noticeable scratches and scuffs as if there was significant pressure on the pieces. I think the thin but long box exacerbates this issue since there is less space between bags of pieces causing them to grind against each other. Overall a nice build with some blemishes.

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4 su 5 stelle.

Pleasantly surprised

3 mesi fa
I bought this mainly because it was on sale but quite enjoyed both builds

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4 su 5 stelle.

Bringing Colour To Star Wars

3 mesi fa
Star Wars LEGO can often be dominated by Grey, Brown, White, and Dark Red. This set brings colours back and I love it for that. The figures are great and unique and I truly think the E-Wing is stunning. Shin’s Starfighter is also a unique and cool build that I enjoyed. The price is definitely worth it.

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5 su 5 stelle.

A Surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

7 mesi fa
I’ve held off on the Ahsoka sets since they released, as I like sets that typically have more of a playset feel rather than ships, but after getting the Peridia set last week, I have Ahsoka-LEGO-fever, so I picked this up at a great sale price. I thought the set was overpriced, and after building this, I am happy to eat crow. This set offers a truly unique build experience in the E-Wing, with techniques that surprised even this seasoned builder. And then with 6 out of 10 bags already into the E-Wing, I was worried Shin’s starfighter would be a bit of a dud…I was wrong. While a little less unique, it was no less fun to build. The printing on the minifigures is exceptional on all of them, but the E-Wing pilot and astromech take the cake. This now second (to me), yet different, Morgan is great, and serves a different play purpose than the one from the peridia set. Shin and Baylan have great torsos and legs, and Shin’s hair is a bit ridiculous (in a good way), and I wish Baylan had more styled hair than slicked back, but I am still thrilled to have the figure.

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4 su 5 stelle.

A surprising outlier

7 mesi fa
Originally I didn't think much of this set. I got it purely because I didn't have it. Though after finishing the first ship of the two in the set, I was pleasantly surprised at just how much quality of life features it has. Normally lego starwars starships aren't known for having functional landing gear. If they do, it's either incredibly simplistic or completely static which personally I never liked as I find it takes away from play, esthetic, and display capabilities it's one of my biggest issues with sets like the UCS razor crest or other shuttles. This however, features not only functional landing gear, but also non-intrusive stud shooters, and a clever bit of storage space under the seat which I'm always a sucker for. If anything my only issue with it is stickers which personally I always hated dealing with as there's so much room for error and for the stickers to become ruined either by coming damaged in the packaging, being misplaced and needing to be taken off and reapplied, or simple ware and tare over time. And while I still feel lego should supply an additional replacment sticker sheet for such situations in the set by default, that's all another discussion entirely. Overall, really good set with some greatly appreciated unique ship design additions to your star wars collections and pretty good minifigs to boot. If not for display as a set, then surely good to fill out any displays that may need a bit more life put into them.

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4 su 5 stelle.

Good set overall

7 mesi fa
Great set, great build. My only critique would be there is a lot of wasted space one the second build.

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5 su 5 stelle.

Getting Ready

8 mesi fa
I am close to retirement age, but I know many who have already retired and having nothing to do. I am buying multiple sets of Legos now, so when retirement arrives, I will have fun building the great Lego sets I've purchased. And my grandkids can build with me, creating great memories and fun experiences.

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3 su 5 stelle.

Me ha decepcionado un poco

8 mesi fa
Por las fotos me gustaron ambas naves pero luego el resultado final no me acaba de convencer

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