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Tappeto da gioco Ingenuity Sheppy's Spot ™

Ingenuity Baby Palestrina Sheppy's Spot Corrie
Questa palestrina Sheppy Spot Corrie in peluche della Ingenuity dà al vostro bambino uno spazio confortevole e sicuro per stare a pancia in giù, seduto, sdraiarsi e giocare. Il tappetino è morbido come una nuvola e include un cuscino per il pancino. Aiuta i neonati ad alzarsi e a sviluppare la forza nel collo mentre offre un comfort extra. Gli infanti ameranno i cinque giochi removibili che pendono sulla barra removibile e il peluche Sheppy. Inoltre, l'anello in legno naturale con tessuto sensoriale, i giochi in silicone naturale, lo specchio con targhette a nastro, e i sonagli aiutano a calmare e intrattenere il bambino. Inoltre, Sheppy si adatterà perfettamente alla borsa per pannolini per coccole in viaggio. Il tappetino ha un aspetto semplice ed è pro

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Descrizione completa

Questa palestrina Sheppy Spot Corrie in peluche della Ingenuity dà al vostro bambino uno spazio confortevole e sicuro per stare a pancia in giù, seduto, sdraiarsi e giocare.

Il tappetino è morbido come una nuvola e include un cuscino per il pancino. Aiuta i neonati ad alzarsi e a sviluppare la forza nel collo mentre offre un comfort extra. Gli infanti ameranno i cinque giochi removibili che pendono sulla barra removibile e il peluche Sheppy. Inoltre, l'anello in legno naturale con tessuto sensoriale, i giochi in silicone naturale, lo specchio con targhette a nastro, e i sonagli aiutano a calmare e intrattenere il bambino. Inoltre, Sheppy si adatterà perfettamente alla borsa per pannolini per coccole in viaggio.

Il tappetino ha un aspetto semplice ed è progettato per integrarsi a qualsiasi tema da asilo nido, dai più colorati ai neutri, dagli animaletti alla natura. È anche facile da pulire, conservare, o da portare in viaggio: basta rimuovere la barra dei giochi.

  • Colore: Grigio
  • Materiali: Pile e poliestere
  • Dimensioni: 81,28 x 81,28 x 48,72 cm (L x P x A)
  • Il tappetino ultra-soft Sheppy offre un'area giochi confortevole e sicura.
  • Introduce al bambino alla posizione sdraiata e al gioco, allo stare a pancia in giù e alla seduta eretta.
  • Il tappetino è realizzato in molteplici, morbide texture per mantenere il bambino impegnato.
  • Barra giocattoli removibile
  • Con un cuscino adeguato al sostegno per il pancino
  • Design neutrale per il genere
  • La tavolozza dei colori si adatta a qualsiasi stanza nella casa
  • Facile da pulire, conservare, o portare in viaggio
  • Lavabile in lavatrice con acqua fredda
  • Facile da assemblare con i ganci ad A
  • Età consigliata: Dalla nascita
  • La consegna include 5 giocattoli per attività rimovibili:
  • 1 Peluche Sheppy
  • 1 Anello in legno naturale con tessuto sensoriale
  • 1 Giocattolo in silicone naturale
  • 1 Specchio con targhette in nastrino
  • 1 Sonaglino


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5 su 5 stelle.

Great mat

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This little play mat is absolutely adorable. It is super soft and cuddly for the baby. The hanging toys help keep his attention as well. The toys are easy for him to grab on to. The mat itself was super easy to put together and very easy to clean. Its colors are neutral as well.
ProPortable, Easy to use, Lightweight, Stows Easily, Great quality, Durable, Easily Cleaned, Comfortable, Good Construction, Multi-functional, Entertaining
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

5 su 5 stelle.


2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This activity gym is adorable. Is the perfect size. The neutral colors give it a classy, modern look. Baby loves to lay on it and try to get the toys. It’s comfortable and easy to clean. Great for any baby.
ProEasy to use, Lightweight, Stows Easily, Great quality, Easily Cleaned, Comfortable, Good Construction, Entertaining
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

5 su 5 stelle.

So cute

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My little one really seems to enjoy this play mat. He especially likes the mirror. I like that it’s nice and soft and comfortable for my baby. It was very easy to put together. I would definitely buy again.
ProLightweight, Easily Cleaned, Comfortable, Good Construction, Entertaining
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

Cleveland, OH
5 su 5 stelle.

Love it

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] He loves playing with his Sheppy’s Spot Plush Activity Gym. He was at the point that he needed a play gym so, when I saw this I knew this would be great for him to learn to use his hands. I must say we weren’t disappointed. I would recommend it to my family and friends.
ProPortable, Easy to use, Lightweight, Stows Easily, Great quality, Durable, Easily Cleaned, Comfortable, Good Construction, Multi-functional, Entertaining
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

CullMan, Al
4 su 5 stelle.

Easy, soft, washable.

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Baby play mats have come a long way since the first baby. This one is so much softer and has better padding than my previous experiences. The mat is super soft and machine washable. The play arches hook onto fabric underneath the mat which means it’s easier to take apart and store when not in use. The full size stuff animal makes it multi use for when baby gets a little older and instead of dangling they can hold and play. Overall a great play mat!!
ProEasy to use, Lightweight, Stows Easily, Great quality, Easily Cleaned, Comfortable, Multi-functional
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

Los Angeles, CA
5 su 5 stelle.

So cute

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Although our baby hasn’t arrived yet and therefore haven’t used it yet, we are so excited to have our kid use this play mat. Upon taking it out of the box, the materials seem really smooth and soft. And I also really like the products’ simplicity which I think is very appropriate for a newborn!
ProEasy to use, Lightweight, Comfortable

Inizialmente pubblicata su

San Diego, CA
5 su 5 stelle.

adorable neutral playmat

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] LOVE LOVE LOVE! This sweet little playmat is the perfect neutral playmat for baby. Very soft toys for baby to play. It is portable and great for road trips with baby. I have had many playmats and this one is definitely one of my favorites. Great buy.
ProPortable, Lightweight, Great quality, Easily Cleaned, Entertaining
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

5 su 5 stelle.

Super cute!

2 anni fa
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This active gym is great! It’s super cute and fun plus it’s the perfect softness for my baby. If he lays on his belly for tummy time it’s great as the material is breathable and not plushy and in his face. They toys are super cute and way to remove to play with by themselves and comes apart easily for both washing and folds easily for storage. It definitely has enough going on to keep his attention
ProPortable, Easy to use, Lightweight, Stows Easily, Great quality, Durable, Easily Cleaned, Comfortable, Multi-functional, Entertaining
ControNo cons

Inizialmente pubblicata su

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